Can a CISO be a DPO? No. A Chief Information Security Office (CISO) should not be the DPO. On April…
GPS Contact Tracing for COVID-19 Contact tracing using GPS radio signals. Accurate to between 1 to 20 meters, but might…
Wi-Fi Contact Tracing for COVID-19 Contact tracing using Wi-Fi router locations. Can be combined with GPS or Bluetooth signals).
QR Code Contact Tracing for COVID-19 Contact tracing using QR codes scanned by mobile devices at checkpoints (e.g., taxis, building…
Bluetooth Contact Tracing for COVID-19 Automated contact tracing using Bluetooth “chirp” signals from mobile devices uploaded to a database after…
Cell Tower Contact Tracing For COVID-19 Contact tracing using cell-site location information (CSLI). Precision varies greatly and might be only…
What is a “Business Purpose” under the CCPA? A business purpose is the use of personal information for the business’…
CCPA “Specific Pieces” Requests Can Dig Deep Into a Business’ Data Consumers Can Make “Specific Pieces” Requests Under the California…
What is “Sells” Under the CCPA? ‘“Sell,” “selling,” “sale,” or “sold,” means selling, renting, releasing, disclosing, disseminating, making available, transferring,…
What is “Collects” Under the CCPA? ‘“Collects,” “collected,” or “collection” means buying, renting, gathering, obtaining, receiving, or accessing any personal…