CCPA “Specific Pieces” Requests Can Dig Deep Into a Business’ Data Consumers Can Make “Specific Pieces” Requests Under the California…
What is a Profiling? Profiling is automated processing to evaluate personal aspects of a person. The GDPR defines profiling as…
What is Convention 108? Convention 108, also known as the “Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic…
What is an Establishment? An establishment is a place of business for an organization in the EU. If an establishment…
What is the Treaty of Lisbon? The Treaty of Lisbon, also known as the Reform Treaty, is an international agreement…
What is Metadata? Metadata is information about other data. For example, regarding the content of a message, metadata can include…
What are Binding Corporate Rules? Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs) are internal rules regarding data transfers within multinational companies. BCRs permit…
The GDPR takes a broad view of what constitutes Personally Data under the GDPR. Personal data is “…any information relating…